We know spam is reaching epidemic proportions, and we hate it as much as you do. For this reasons we will not provide your information to anyone outside of PrinterHQ (Parts On Demand Ltd). We will only use your details in relation to your order, and the occasional email flyer and / or newsletter.
If at any stage, you wish to have your details removed from our system, please contact us at webmaster@printerhq.co.nz with the subject line “Unsubscribe” and your request will be honoured, and your details removed. Alternatively you can change your preferences inside the “My Account” details area of this site.
Store security is one of our highest priorities. The PrinterHQ online store uses technology called SSL – Secure Sockets Layer. This means at the checkout, our servers and your PC encrypt (scramble) everything that you enter into your computer, such as credit card details, billing and delivery address. Because it is encrypted, other computers are unable to make sense of it, therefore keeping this information private. PrinterHQ undertakes not to divulge any information in relation to the identity or transaction history of our customers to any third party unless required by law.